Club History

The club has a long and diverse history and has been fortunate that materials have been provided to the club for publish on the website.If anyone has some information that they want to add then please contact us at

Club Journals

The club has began to publish historic LMC journals which can be found on the Journals page.

Online Photo Archive

The LMC have began to compile photos from our past, see the archive here.

Member Profiles

A project is underway to compile profiles of early members and can be found on the profiles page.


Club Timeline:



1932 - Club Founded. Footage of the LMC skiing at Glencoe is available here.

Early Forays of the club included climbing in the Arrochar Alps



As many club members are serving overseas, the club begins a journal in 1944 to allow members to keep in touch and record mountaineering outings. The club has provided these on the website for public access.

1940's club logo


1946 - Tommy McGuinness establishes first HVS (current grading) The Crack on Ben Nevis.

Tommy McGuiness and the Shackle Route


1970 - LMC are one of the 21 founding members of what is now the MCofS (Mountaineering Scotland)

1970's - Ken Johsnton and a band of others begin to develop Auchinstarry Quarry into a climbing venue.

Auchinstarry Quarry 1970s

1973 - Peter Scott killed in a motorcycle accident on way home from evening cragging on the Whangie. Tribute here.

The Manse Barn acquired and converted into a mountaineering hut by a band of dedicated club members including: - Ken Johnstone - Willie Johnstone - and more…………

1975 - See photo of LMC members including Cameron McNeish

1978 - Ken Johnstone and Pete Ogden make first ascent of E5 Spacewalk on Aonach Dubh. Read about this first ascent here.


1980 - Ken Johnston and 'Cubby' Cuthbertson climb 3 new E5 routes on the Cobbler, including Ruskoline, Rest and be Thankful and Moonlight Arete.

1989 - Gordon Longmuir and Graham McGill make an attempt on the Eiger North Face. Read about it here.

On the Hinterstoisser Traverse


The Manse Barn 21 year lease ends, after a further 5 year lease is signed and terminated, a new landlord verbally agrees to keep the hut for use of the LMC.

2014 - Club sadly loses the Manse Barn. Hunt for new hut goes on. Read about memories from the barn here.

Manse Barn

2018 - The annual club ceilidh re-unites climbers from the post war era and the 'Lomond Tigers' with current members.

Lomond Tigers: Garman, Eccles andAnderson in fifties 'helmets'.