The Lomond Mountaineering Club was founded in 1932 and is open to climbers, walkers and all who want to have fun in the hills (or on the beach) nothing is excluded and we welcome all ages (over 18 years) and at any level of experience.
The Club aims to help its members to pursue the sport of mountaineering and stuff by providing the following:
- Regular weekend meets, huts, camping or day meets.
- Mountaineering skill days to learn from each other’s experience.
- Membership of Mountaineering Scotland, which acts as a representative body for mountaineers in Scotland and offers a range of benefits (use of huts, free third party liability insurance, competitive Personal Accident Insurance, free quarterly magazine, affordable skills courses, retail discounts, reciprocal rights with the BMC and European Federations) For further details see
- Pub meets to provide the opportunity to organize informal day or weekend trips for club members, to meet potential climbing partners and to talk about recent mountaineering trips.
- Wednesday night climbing either at the Ibrox Climbing wall or at a local crag in the summer, come and climb outside and meet new climbing partners
- Presentations by club members during the on variety of topics, including slide shows, skill training etc.
- Access to members Facebook group
- An available discount at some (e.g. Cotswold) outdoor shops.
There are also organized social events during the year: a BBQ in summer, Burns Supper in January, an annual dinner in autumn and Christmas dinner.
New Members
New members are required to contact us for a meet before joining using the email address at the bottom of this page so you can see if this is the club for you. You can join the Facebook page as a potential member to allow you to access the club discussions and arrange to go out in the hills. You are expected to become a paid up member of the club within about 60 days, after this time, if we haven't seen you, your access will be automatically disabled.
The cost to join or renew is £30 (£20 Student/unwaged) and a membership is valid from 1 April until 31 March. For new members joining after 1 Jan the reduced fee is £15 (£10 unwaged). Membership can be obtained by emailing the club: